Chapter 2
Bruce and Georgia were stunned. They met each other’s eyes and felt pity for Brandon, but they cannot do anything with the situation. It’s inevitable.
They planned this fixed marriage and their business partner, Mr. William Russel, agreed to it. Both of the parties need strong connections that will benefit each other.
However, Brandon has a heavy heart and turns around after the meeting ends. Not long after that, Bruce and Georgia went home.
“Oh, tsk! Please Mr. Russel, don’t give in to your son,” Georgia said.
“Brandon! You are to be wed to their daughter, and that’s final!” William shouted.
“Why do you do this to me Dad?” His hand turned into a fist, and immediately left.
“Hey! Brandon! Come back here. I taught you manners!” Mr. Russel was fuming in anger.
“Calm down, Mr. Russel, let him go. We should explain to our children how things will go in a sense that they will not storm like that and surely they will understand,” Bruce said, trying to calm their business partner.
“Yes, if we could explain it to them in a nice way, they will understand for sure,” Georgia added, supporting the thoughts of her husband.
"I am very sorry for what happened. Since Brandon came back from his grandmother’s, he has become hard headed and just difficult to tame,” William explained to Bruce.
"Well, let's move on and I think we all agree on this matter, we just need our child to learn about what we discuss. I hope we settle things out,” William added, and forced a smile as he still felt sorry for what his son did.
"Yes. Well, thank you very much Sir for hearing us out. We hope that things will be good while we maintain the relations of our company,” Bruce stood, offering his hand to William, and they shook hands.
Georgia also followed her husband, and said, “So… Thank you for tonight Mr. Russel. We really appreciate it. And goodbye for now.”
Mr. and Mrs. Hale then drove home.
Meanwhile, Brandon went to a nearby bar and got drunk, he even danced with other girls. Soon, they realized that it was actually Brandon, a super model and handled by a famous modelling agency, and they started interacting with him.
They flirt with Brandon and danced with him. They even touched his biceps and abs. But Brandon ignored it and continued dancing. Then, a woman’s eye caught the other girls who danced and flirted with him.
He sat on the wooden stool and the bartender went in front of him. The music was loud, but the bartender heard him.
“Can I have some whisky?” Brandon asked him.
“Okay Sir. Wait for a minute,” the bartender replied.
“How can he do that to me? I don’t even know who’s that b*tch he wanted me to marry,” Brandon said to himself.
“This is so absurd! Ridiculous!” He thought as he waited.
“Here is your whisky, Sir. Enjoy!” the bartender said.
“Thank you! Uh, can I get the bottle?” Brandon asked.
“No problem, sir.” Then then bartender handed it to him.
Brandon put out a card from his pocket, “Just swipe it for me eh? I think this is too hard for me.”
The bartender smiled. When Brandon was almost finished with his shot, he wanted to dance on the floor to remove his stress.
“Alright. Maybe this is enough drinking and just head to the dance floor,” he muttered to himself.
Sweat trickled down his back, and he just enjoyed the music, and jived to the beat.
“Oh, hi there handsome. Are you all by yourself?” A petite girl asked him.
“Yeah. Why do you ask?” Brandon replied.
“I just find you so interesting and hot that’s why I asked, and maybe you have a girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend?” He repeated the word to make sure of it, “Uh… I don’t have one,” he said.
“Hey, are you Brandon? The supermodel?" Her voice is high pitched but nevertheless, the music is definitely loud. “Wow! I knew it was you!” the second girl blurted out which startled him.
“Yeah, that’s me,” he said without hesitation and he grinned.
“Ha ha ha, we hit the jackpot!” the other girl exclaimed.
Brandon was occupied and he didn’t bother them. He just continued on dancing and he felt the growing heat on his body. But at the same time, he felt dizzy and his vision started to disarray.
“Wow! That whisky hit me,” he said.
“Are you enjoying the dance, Brandon?” The second girl asked.
“Now it’s time to spice up this dance floor. Right girl?” The other girl said in an excited tone and winked at him.
“Hold my waist, Brandon,” she told him.
While he held her hatched waist, the girl touched his chest going down to his abs.
“Well, you’re really good, and your abs are such a beau,” she said, complimenting him.
The music changed and they decided to take a seat and rest. He continued to drink as well. However, the two girls clung to him, Brandon in between of them. They were perspiring, but they didn’t mind.
“Girls? Don’t you want to come?” Brandon asked as his smile intoxicating.
“Sure, we’ll do it. We want to be with you anyway.”
“Yeah, don’t you think that we could rest for a bit?” She said as she held his shoulder.
“If you guys insist, why not?” Brandon answered.
But Brandon did not notice that the other girl put a powdered pill on his drink. He then started to become unconscious and the two girls smiled on their victory.
“Ah,” he touched his temples, “The alcohol hit me, I drank too much and now I feel dizzy. Excuse me girls, I should go,” Brandon uttered.
"Are you sure? You're drunk. We will assist you, don't worry Brandon." The two said in assurance.
“No,” he shook his head, even his vision was spiralling, “I-I’m o-okay,” then lost consciousness.
After he felt like a few minutes passed, his consciousness came back. And with all his might, he tried to open his eyes, just half eyed, Brandon saw the two ladies getting naked in front of him. He noticed he’s in a room and laying on the bed.
“Girls, what happened?” Brandon asked.
“Don’t worry Brandon… We won’t hurt you,” her eyes fell on his and she was teasing him as she slowly caressed his legs.
“Ah… Please stop!” Brandon exclaimed but he couldn't do anything.
He felt weak and tired and he just knew that he was tied on all four corners.
The two girls proceeded to kiss him on the abs going down on his navel and to his thing.
They are taking advantage of him, but it seems that Brandon is enjoying it.
“Let me go girls. You don’t need to tie me down. I can handle this,” He said, now fully awake and his d**k hardened.
They untied him and he started to kiss the other girl deeply. He licked her neck and went inside her mouth and tasted her. They played with their tongues, and then he proceeded with the second girl.
A threesome! Why not?
Then they reached his private space, and two girls smiled as he was bigger than others.
“We’re just starting girls,” he smirked.
The other girl bit her lip as she held his d**k.
The three enjoyed the night and the two waited for their turn to be banged.
It was such a dream for them. A supermodel like Brandon! They feel so lucky, they.
It was tiring and they stopped and rested.
“Ah, this is so crazy! You want more Brandon?” The second girl asked, but Brandon was already asleep.
Meanwhile, Brandon got up to his feet and found to girls naked beside him. He smirked as he touched her butt. Not wanting to wake them up, he immediately wore his clothes and went out of the hotel. How did he end up there? He doesn’t know, but he enjoyed the night.
“Oh, this is messy. I need to get out of here,” he looked around the room, “Huh, my head aches so bad,” Brandon told himself.
Even though the girls were asleep, he said, “Sorry girls, I leave you now. Thanks for that awesome experience.”
Then, he ushered to the door and left.
On the other hand, Bruce and Georgia don’t have a clue on how to tell their daughter about the fixed marriage, and they slept on it.
The next morning, while they were having breakfast, Georgia asked Shania when she would like to marry.
“Good morning Mom and Dad!” She greeted them.
“Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?” Bruce asked her.
"Yes Dad, after Cherry went home, I went back to my room. Still early though,” Shania replied.
"Then, how's Cherry by the way?” Georgia asked.
"Uhm… she's fine. We chatted, watched television and ate pizza.”
“By the way Shania, may I ask you what age you want to be married?” Georgia asked, and she received a meaningful stare from her husband.
"What? Mom that’s so sudden,” she uttered a giggle and continued, “Mom I still don’t have a boyfriend and I’m still young. I don’t know when, Mom.”
“You should plan that, actually next year you’ll be of legal age and besides, me and your father are getting old. Don’t you think so?” Georgia was calm and she sipped from her coffee.
“Mom stop it!” she smiled, “That’s definitely a joke, Mom. Insane question, perhaps?”
“But you know what, I wanted a guy who will respect and cherish me. Until such time, I don’t know when I will get married,” Shania added.
Bruce and Georgia looked at each other and they understood each other’s gazes. They regret what they did, and they have no choice but to explain to her the truth. The truth is, her marriage is soon to happen.
“Mom, by the way, I just noticed that your skin is glowing. You’re glowing, like fresh petals of rose. Did something happen? Uh… Are we expecting a baby?” Shania teased her mother.
“Ha ha, silly. No… This is actually because of the effect of the new vitamins I have taken recently,” Georgia explained, blushing.
“I’m finished with my breakfast. Mom, Dad, see you later I got to go to my class,” Shania said as she stood from her seat and grabbed her bag.
“Alright honey, take care!” Georgia said.
Shania hurried to go outside and went inside the vehicle. The driver then drove to her school.