Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface

Chris Wilbur

62.7k Words / Ongoing


From hidden desires, intense connections, and the complexities of relationships. There's more to the characters and their interactions than meets the eye, The layers of secrets and desires waiting to be uncovered as the story unfolds. Jake who starts seeing a very successful, intelligent man, who went to a ivy league law school, has a family with his male partner, and what would look to be the perfect life and his name is peter. Jake is bit younger, smart, sweet, kind, caring guy whose has a tough up bringing whose decided to go back to college after struggling to make it in society. Jake doesn't come from money or have money and does side jobs to stay afloat, and focuses on his studies otherwise. The two meet on a dating app, and after months of chatting agree to meet, its a instant connection and very strong chemistry like neither has ever experienced before, as time goes on they keep seeing each other but start falling for the other, but neither knows about hidden secrets the other has that slowly begin to be discovered. When they do meet its for sexual pleasure, its hot, amazing, addicting, must have and need due to the kind of connection and string chemistry they have together in the bed room. peter though as a bit of a bdsm kink fetish and jakes new to bdsm but agrees to explore more with peter. peter wants to be the sub and Jake the dom. and they more they meet and time goes on it begins to be interferes with each of there other life's yet neither can seem to end it and go though a cycle that seems endless and not able to walk away but things keep getting more intense and manipulative, misleads, lies and scandalous

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