The Prophecy (Desires Of The Moon Goddess) all 98 chapters

  1. The Prophecy
  2. The Bringer Of Chaos
  3. The First Mate
  4. Jealous Julie
  5. I'm Not A Rogue
  6. Eidenel's Escape
  7. Lord Blackhouse Karma
  8. Eidenel Was Here
  9. The Prisoner Has Escaped
  10. Brewing Chaos
  11. The Trance
  12. Let The Girl Go
  13. Why Are You So Important To Everyone?
  14. Chaos: Rejection.
  15. Werewolves In Vampire Coven
  16. She Is Mine
  17. A Mysterious Saviour
  18. King Archer Must Die
  19. She's A Whore
  20. Near Miss
  21. Hershire
  22. More Dragon Magic
  23. Let Him Go And Die
  24. In The Siege Forest
  25. Condemned To Death
  26. They Are Back
  27. I Can't Wait To Make You My Bride
  28. King Charming
  29. Internal Conflict
  30. Closure
  31. Like Father, Like Daughter
  32. Investigate The Escaped Werewolves
  33. A Messenger Of The Siege
  34. The Dragons Are Back
  35. Attack
  36. The Dragon King's Mate
  37. Things We Do For Love
  38. Let's Go Home
  39. A Gentle Man
  40. It's Worse At Home
  41. He Dumped Me
  42. A Scheme, A Plot, And A Revelation
  43. Enemies Within
  44. She's In Trouble
  45. Plotting With The Enemy
  46. Saving Eidenel
  47. When Rivals Agree
  48. No One Survives The Burn From A Dragon
  49. Denying Allegations
  50. Sleeping Beauty
  51. The Dragon Kingdom Needs A Queen
  52. Culiet In Trouble
  53. Bring Eidenel Back Or Suffer The Consequences
  54. The Forbidden Vampire Kingdom
  55. Dracula
  56. Beam's Regret
  57. Dracula Is Coming
  58. Beam's Arrest And Payback
  59. This Is My Kingdom
  60. Petty Payback
  61. Mind-Link Your Mate
  62. Going After The Love Of My Life
  63. Beam Returns
  64. Scintillating Eidenel
  65. A Near Death Experience
  66. Implicating Questions
  67. Are You Fighting Over Me?
  68. Getting Ready For War
  69. I Will Kill Her Myself
  70. A Guilty Conscience
  71. Sneaking In
  72. Nothing But A Mystery
  73. The Bottomless Pit
  74. Two Heads Are Better
  75. Retrieving Eidenel
  76. Hershire's Woes
  77. Felicitations And Further Plans
  78. The Royal Dungeon
  79. The Spirit And Ancestors Agree
  80. Alpha Michael
  81. Take Me Instead
  82. Old Man
  83. Nothing Goes For Nothing
  84. What's Happening?
  85. Bedroom Exercise
  86. Which Girlfriend?
  87. Revealing The Problem
  88. Using Juliet
  89. The Million Dollar Question
  90. Deceiving King Archer
  91. Culiet's Visit
  92. Queen Blackhouse The First
  93. Discovering The Mysterious Ballad Man
  94. King Archer's Folly
  95. Get Me Out Of Here
  96. He Might Be Dead By Now
  97. Alpha Is Back
  98. Brain Storming