The White King's Favorite Comments

  • Drawkser

    omg I want so much more 😍😍

    09/17/2021 01:53
  • Kathryn Ngatuakana

    ohhh god i cant wait for the next chapter😁😁😁.. even though his master is no longer alive, wouldnt be it cool if kairen showed up with not only dran but the golden dragon himself (although he could be weak but still pumpin) Glahad🤞🤞.. OMG what a sight that would be, i know kairen can feel whats going on at the eastern kingdom through krai.. come on pops and grand pops, Nau Mai Haere Mai!!! jisel could be giving blood to the half blood mutt, but ashen got strong bloody in him from kassian😁😁

    09/17/2021 01:17
  • Heraputea Peters

    i think they using Jisels blood to heal the fake king like com on he cant sit there with a missing leg and a arm aaaand been crushed by rocks and not be dead yet.. 🤨

    09/17/2021 01:10
  • Ann Poiron

    take them down Cessi! show them the strength and style of the War God Daughter! put them in there place. I hope the tribe leader dies by her hand, it would be fitting, dying because you underestimate her. great chapter!

    09/17/2021 01:02
  • Sara Riggs

    *happy squeals* Jenny you are amazing!

    09/17/2021 00:00
  • Ahlie

    happily waiting for the next update... as always

    09/16/2021 22:56
  • Ludmila Bacova

    the action continues ❤

    09/16/2021 22:38
  • tya

    as always I enjoy the updates.

    09/16/2021 22:12
  • Heraputea Peters

    🤣🤣🤣🖕 shame eh

    09/16/2021 22:09
  • Victoria Murray

    So what needs to happen is that Kairen shows up on Cece to help because, let's be honest, THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!

    09/16/2021 21:49
  • SvS 🐝

    I hope we’ll get some romantic scenes later to make up for this violence 🙈 because after a good fight, a dragons daughter needs a good uhmmm cuddle?

    09/16/2021 21:32
  • Mina

    ♥️♥️♥️ another amazing chapter! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    09/16/2021 21:16
  • Maria Patricia

    amazingly breath taking! thank you so much 💗🐉💙 Jenny Fox 🦊 ❤️

    09/16/2021 21:11
  • Jael Brown

    Is the potion in the bottle a reanimation potion and the brother is Lord Yucky's dead puppet. I can't wait for the next update.

    09/16/2021 21:11
  • Victoria Rand Gentry

    I wonder if the bottle is some kind of potion that the brother will try to use to kill ashen or cessi.

    09/16/2021 21:04
  • shanaaz shaz


    09/16/2021 20:57
  • KitKat

    Ahhhhh!!! I can’t wait for the next chapter! That’s right, you should never underestimate Cessi. I am oh so hoping another surprise would come and Cece will finally come back to aid her. Ik Kassian told Cessi she didn’t need Cece as she did everything on her own, but I am holding onto that hope that everyone says Cece will come back. I seriously wanna know why tf Jisel is still on the losing team, unless she’s there just to give Ashen her mind just he “betrayed” her. Please, just gooooooo, go live in peace with Jinn

    09/16/2021 20:52
  • Allison Elizabeth Patel

    loved this chapter and book ❤️

    09/16/2021 20:37
  • Kat M

    Together! that's awesome! I bet Jinn is there because they are holding her hostage

    09/16/2021 20:36
  • OliviaKaizen

    Since Krai is being attacked, does that mean Kairen can feel it? I hope he shows up on Darsan’s dragon 😬

    09/16/2021 20:02
  • Victory Aires

    i think jisel is being held, if her dragon is climbing the walls and not attacking clearly he is in distress for her. the yekara took her and are using her blood for the kings brother

    09/16/2021 19:53
  • Alicia Flores

    I think the bottle his brother is holding is one of Jissel's potions or maybe her blood to give him a boost to fight. She must be hiding somewhere near or the Yekara has her prisoner for letting the King alive 😬 maybe that is why Jin is mad and on the roof maybe he is trying to save J 🤔

    09/16/2021 19:43
  • Bonib2

    Great chapter Jenny❤❤❤❤❤. Is it Sunday yet? 😁😁😁

    09/16/2021 19:39
  • Kathy Apodaca

    it’s like an action movie playing with the scene where Tessa ran and jumped on Cessi’s shield!!! I just squealed reading the chapters! can’t wait for them to finish these guys off. I’m still worried about the sneak attack from Jisel, that woman won’t go away!

    09/16/2021 19:34
  • Auras Laura

    just perfect reading🥰

    09/16/2021 15:35
  • Lele

    so happy to see Tessa and sable finally back together!

    09/16/2021 13:22
  • Elite Knight

    omgggg i got chills while reading the whole chapter lol!!! its so amazing!!!

    09/16/2021 12:59
  • Reader-021709

    this has been a good book, can’t wait for more updates

    09/16/2021 12:15
  • Karna Allen

    i am so excited to keep reading more! the character developments are engrossing and pleasently surprising.

    09/16/2021 03:26
  • Mina

    Fantastic action in this chapter 🤩 I can ‘see’ it happening as I read it! Wonderful work, Jenny! thank you! ❤️

    09/15/2021 21:18
  • Kelly Kearby Berger

    friend or still foe?

    09/15/2021 21:03
  • pinkaxela

    Sabael and Tessa for life!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    09/15/2021 19:10
  • Reader-458723

    she said i know without stuttering!!! she KNOWS

    09/15/2021 19:05
  • Carlie Brandom

    ughh I need more twice a week is absolute torture!!! Jenny your books are way too amazing I’m having withdrawals!!!

    09/15/2021 18:52
  • susanashley

    I've enjoyed this from the beginning but now I can't put it down!!

    09/15/2021 18:22
  • Abi

    Thank you so much for the update Jenny! I was getting antsy waiting for it... but man, the wait was soooo worth it. I'm still hoping that Cece is able to come back to Cessi *fingers crossed* Feel better, your health is a priority.

    09/15/2021 13:02
  • jortiz64

    Kari is going to do some damage n Jinn

    09/15/2021 12:40
  • jortiz64

    I can’t wait til next update. I can’t believe Jizel and Jinn!

    09/15/2021 12:39
  • Lele

    A fierce fight awaits them. Time to go all in and finish this. 🥰💕

    09/15/2021 11:33
  • Cheers

    Biting nails😬😬😬

    09/15/2021 11:14
  • linda

    oh jinn you better be om the right side! 🙈

    09/15/2021 10:54
  • Wini Wilson

    Go th Cheshi 👊👊👊 I had a thought that the Kunu would be backing The NutCase Wanabe King, the fighting scenes are amazing Jenny, I can see it all pan out as I read. Thanks

    09/15/2021 09:55
  • Kristi RÕUK

    Loved the update. I wonder though, what made Jisell make this choice. For someone who accepts being not cared about and treated badly she sure took Ashens rejection to the heart, too much so in fact. There must be sth we aren't seeing.

    09/15/2021 09:45
  • Youvanne

    i love tessaaaaaaaaa she is outstanding 💕

    09/15/2021 07:47
  • Gee Higgins

    krai would have to come to kill the other dragon they won't be able to defeat it unless all of a sudden jisel is on their side but I doubt it. bring on krai or perhaps her dragon is alive and makes a come back ooh exciting

    09/15/2021 07:16
  • Cindy A

    so that punk ass jisel didn't learn a thing well it was nice knowing you girl.. Love all the love cant wait for what happens next.. I hope no one of them and their friends gets hurt and they can take back the kingdom soon...🤍🤍🐉🐉🤍🤍

    09/15/2021 06:11
  • BookDragon

    What an awesome update!! Ohh!! I wonder if the Red Dragon will be a problem? Hopefully Krai or the Silver Dragon can keep it distracted or even kill it! I agree Tessandra is a hoot and an awesome fighter! I love it when she breathes fire 🔥!! Hopefully Cessilia and Ashen can successfully take back the castle!!!

    09/15/2021 04:35
  • Reader-671139

    okay, not sure who is my favorite couple? Nana and Darsan or Tessa and Sabael? They are just too cute :-)

    09/15/2021 03:36
  • Alialicia

    Tessa!!!! You show off!! 🤣 God how I wish I had her confidence. That was awesome! I also wonder what Nana is up to. If she gets in trouble no doubt Darsan will be close by. Amazing update!!!

    09/15/2021 03:30
  • Rafaella Vittoria

    oh boy, there goes that witch Jisel again. let's hope she's on Cessi and Ashen's side this time. if not Cessi can easily kick her ass!

    09/15/2021 03:16
  • Jael Brown

    Damn Krai should have killed that red dragon and Cessi should have murdered the thunder cunt that rides him. We will see what happens in the next update

    09/15/2021 03:16
  • Twila Carter

    Now maybe Jisel isn’t going to be on there side (I hope not at least 😅) Maybe Jinn just doesn’t like them because he knows Jisel didn’t at first. Ugh I’m just hoping over here lol if she does turn out to be bad I hope Cessi kills her once and for all!

    09/15/2021 03:09
  • Florie Frane

    Knowing our dear author Jenny Fox, probably, someone important to us will die soon.. I will now start to grieve for that poor soul.. I hope it's not Sab, Tessa, Nana or any of Cessi's girl friends from other tribes..🙏🙏🙏

    09/15/2021 03:08
  • Jaime Berget


    09/15/2021 03:04
  • Hollstar

    #74 spoilers ⚠️⚠️⚠️ (is this the right way to comment specifics?) I’m thinking (hoping at least) that Jisel decided to be on her cousin’s sides finally!) I reckon Jisel is the 3rd person helping Nana, and I reckon Jinn is there to help Cessi and Ashen! ❤️ ps. Tessa and Sab are so cute! 😂

    09/15/2021 02:03
  • Debbie Adams

    it's time to get rid of that b and her little dragon too

    09/15/2021 01:35
  • LC9

    ooo, is there going to be a dragon fight?!? 👀

    09/15/2021 01:33
  • Jocelyn Cabillan Ortiz

    omg!!! I LOVE this book!!!! after they save Jizel n Jinn?!!! they went back to being traitors?!!!

    09/15/2021 01:30
  • Eli-May Martin

    oooohhhh my goddddd!!! that was worth the wait!!! brilliant, almost crying when Tessa got to Saebel!!! excellent chapter full of every emotion …. yaaaassss!!! 👌👌👌👌👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

    09/15/2021 00:55
  • Gracee

    wow!that was epic fighting scenes!and tessa and sabs part was too cute as well..😂 excited for the next chapter!

    09/15/2021 00:26
  • Dawn Foxall

    love your writing I check multiple times daily for updates and I’m always the most excited when I see yours. thanks so much for the stories I LOVE them. The War Gods Favourite is one of the my fav books in any app I’ve tried ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    09/15/2021 00:14
  • Abackpack 01

    Jinn is lame.

    09/15/2021 00:11
  • Kathryn Ngatuakana

    gawsh how cool would it be if kairen shows up with not only dran but with cece as well.. like this was meant to be the time cece returns and come to cessi rescue🤗🤗that will be a sight too see😀😀

    09/15/2021 00:09
  • Kathryn Ngatuakana

    guys how do we like chapters, i cant seem to find the "Like".

    09/15/2021 00:05
  • Kathryn Ngatuakana

    oosshh loving this chapter. sab already thinking of his and tessa future😁😁so cute.. hope the rest are okay on their side of the battle, and jinn more along boy and go have a seat on the side.. Okay War God-Kairen now is the moment to make your grand entrance with dran anytime now and show these suckers yekara and kunu clang how its done!!! surely kairen would have sense sometime from krai being at the eastern kingdom..

    09/15/2021 00:04
  • Selene Murf

    Woah great long chapter, indeed. Will the cliffhanger at the redeem themselves? Wish the big yellow Dragon 🐲 would show himself, surley he knows something is up with Darsan... 🤠 ❤️ 🤠 Ps I got hammered for writing spoilers, trying not to do so, now... 🤠

    09/15/2021 00:00
  • Sharon MacDonald

    I am so excited and the battle and how it is playing out is great!

    09/14/2021 23:33
  • Kayla Elliott

    ohh hell!! I can’t wait for the next update!!!

    09/14/2021 23:33
  • Reader-397104

    great battle great cliffhanger will Jinn be friend or foe?

    09/14/2021 23:27
  • nv4

    Ugh I couldnt love Tess and Sab anymore!!! I clearly imagined that fight scene in my head. Well done Jenny!! I also knew our Nana wouldn't stay still. I'm wondering what she's planning and glad she has the triplets with her. Hope nothing happens to them. We'll see if Jisel redeems herself or digs herself deeper.

    09/14/2021 23:24
  • Tanya Rene Crisco

    I loved it but I think Darsans drangon needs to appear but I would love to see Jisel go down for good and Ashen needs to do it for his queen and cici needs to come back , this had me on the edge of my seat , I love this book and hope for another update soon

    09/14/2021 23:02
  • Jamie Berry

    I am enjoying the book. Please keep up the great work.

    09/14/2021 23:02
  • Kathy Apodaca

    anytime now CeCe! time for you to battle Jinn and put Jisel to rest for real now. unless she redeems herself, but that’s very unlikely with so much hatred that she’s got. she needs a lot of help psychologically with her childhood trauma.

    09/14/2021 22:59
  • Danielle Salazar

    ugh. jisel again. when will she die 😩

    09/14/2021 22:46
  • Ahlie

    gosh what a cliffhanger❣

    09/14/2021 22:40
  • Penny A Foxie

    74 I hope Jin is there to help rather than hurt them! They need all the help they can get! Can’t wait to see what happens next. I love Sab! No longer intimidated by Tessa, he’s all in! 😂💕

    09/14/2021 22:34
  • Lauren Clarke

    omg I’m going crazy!!! I need more!!!

    09/14/2021 22:22
  • Emma Seidel

    I hope this is Jisel redeeming herself....

    09/14/2021 22:16
  • Andrea Campbell Laubhan

    Brilliant chapter. The excitement keeps building! I'm pretty sure this book just topped TWGF which had a very high bar.

    09/14/2021 22:15
  • Bonnie Lancaster

    AAHAHHHHHHH, YOU CAN'T LEAVE US HANGUNG LIKE THIS!! I'm so in love with this book. I don't know how you do it, but you're one of the most creative writers I've ever come across. thank you fir sharing your art with us.

    09/14/2021 22:02
  • randomom

    i was wondering if jisel was going to show up. im sure she will put up a decent fight bc she plays dirty but... her death wish. soooo battle of the dragons now? i think everyone will explode if cece comes back!!

    09/14/2021 21:57
  • PoisonedPix

    c’mon! give them a break! lol

    09/14/2021 21:46
  • Ali Brady Nilson

    freaking Jissel 😒

    09/14/2021 21:44
  • Stephanie Satterfield

    I'm hoping cessis dragon comes back

    09/14/2021 21:43
  • laterseen

    Jisel, I have faith in you. please turn against the Yekara.

    09/14/2021 21:42
  • ShyShy

    Jisel & Jinn better have several seats! Now would be the time for Jinn to die along w/Jisel 😡 Don’t hold back Cessi, unleash the beast girl ❤️

    09/14/2021 21:39
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    loving the duo team of lovers fighting. Time for the dragons to clash and time for Cessilla to take Junn and Jisel down

    09/14/2021 21:38
  • abobda’sgirl

    should have killed Jisel and Jin

    09/14/2021 21:33
  • Kat M

    I can't believe she went back to them after they disregarded her in the caverns! She chose the wrong side.

    09/14/2021 21:33
  • Jasmin Prunkl

    What an amazing update, Jenny!!! I loved it, as always!!! 💕💕💕 I liked how Tessa saved Sab and what he said to her... sooo cute 😍😍😍 Ohh noo... Jinn was Jisel's dragon, right?! I hope she's fighting for the right side this time, means Ashen and Cessi, and if not I hope she gets killed by Cessi this time. Where did the Kunu come from?? Hope Aglithia can handle them all... Awww, just amazing... I'm speechless how perfect your writing is, thanks soooo much for this great story!!! 🙏🥰 Heard you were sad. Get well soon then. 🍀💐🍫

    09/14/2021 21:31
  • Roseam

    Yet again Jisel is where she's not wanted. Brilliant move by Tessa to get to the platform.

    09/14/2021 21:27
  • shanaaz shaz

    I hope jinn fights for and not against

    09/14/2021 21:21
  • Alialicia

    Jenny you rock!! That was some serious fan service scene with Tessa and Sab!! Absolutely loved this chapter!! Thank you!

    09/14/2021 21:20
  • Reader-555364

    Loved it!! 😁❤️

    09/14/2021 21:19
  • Lizard

    Wow! Great update

    09/14/2021 21:01
  • Tahiti_650

    so intense. so happy for tessandra

    09/14/2021 21:00
  • Ludmila Bacova

    battle, some flirting in between, what more can we want? loved the chapter!!! ❤

    09/14/2021 20:57
  • Victoria Murray

    Cece, you can show up anytime now.

    09/14/2021 20:56
  • Mara Poehls

    seriously you’re an amazing writer. you make it feel like i’m right there fighting with them!!!

    09/14/2021 20:52
  • MReinanda

    I hope Jisel and Jinn are on the good side. I despise her attitude, but I believe she deserves a second chance and a happy ending.

    09/14/2021 20:50