The White King's Favorite Comments

  • Areleen Torres

    Ughhhh I was all ready for a battle!! Sigh....

    09/09/2021 20:42
  • Lauren Clarke


    09/09/2021 20:12
  • Alicia Flores

    I hope when the battle turns really bad Kairen apears with Cece and maybe Shareen as well to kick some Yecara's but hehehe wishfull thinking 😁 But really Cessilia needs her dragon so her baby's can have water dragons too 🤗

    09/09/2021 20:06
  • Bonib2

    Oh my goodness, I cannot. Jenny😂 great chapter. I cannot wait for them to hand the Yekaras tbeir asses🤣

    09/09/2021 20:03
  • Jessica Boyd

    the suspense!!!

    09/09/2021 19:45
  • shanaaz shaz

    amazingly written jenny ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    09/09/2021 19:44
  • shanaaz shaz

    Holy cow like omg the suspense is just as crazy and intense as the battle in the dragon empire gosh I'm in dire need of the next update

    09/09/2021 19:44
  • Ludmila Bacova

    I love Darsan!

    09/09/2021 19:29
  • Reader-555364

    Aaaarrrgghhh! I equally love and hate battles! 😬🤣

    09/09/2021 19:12
  • Rafaella Vittoria

    can't wait for the battle! I want to see Ashen kill his half brother and Cessi hand Jisel her ass!

    09/09/2021 19:08
  • Katie Greco Cole

    cant wait for the battle. this book is so good!

    09/09/2021 18:45
  • Beatriz Astorga Morales

    Love this story!!! 🥰☺️👍👍👍

    09/09/2021 18:31
  • Beatriz Astorga Morales

    Want to see the moment when Tessa finds Sab out! 🥰🥰🥰

    09/09/2021 18:30
  • Beatriz Astorga Morales

    Can’t wait for that battle!!! 👊👊👊

    09/09/2021 18:29
  • littleladyloki

    Hmmm Kassian and Bastat.. not too sure about this. Feels a bit too soon and forced (?). I feel like Kassian should have his own story, in his own time. It's OK if not everyone will have a romantic partner in this book. I'm loving the twists, legends and backstory of the tribes and the empire. Looking forward to the battle.

    09/09/2021 14:37
  • Bridgette

    hey, just now reading this book can someone tell me why keiran and Cassandra aren’t together in the beginning am I missing something :(

    09/09/2021 00:37
  • KitKat

    Darsan and Nana all the way!!!! I can see a fine chemistry between lady Bastat and Kassian ❤️❤️❤️ I am shipping them so hard!!!! I love how there’s more about the dragon lore and how it simply makes sense as to how it’s tied to Cassandra and the “Water God” in TWGF ❤️

    09/08/2021 22:02
  • Reader-671139

    One question-did we ever find out why Keiran and Cassie weren’t together (she was in the palace and he was up north)???

    09/08/2021 20:36
  • Reader-671139

    Love this story and ready for the battle. Can’t wait for Tessa to reconnect with Sab and see how Darsan will react to his sister’s new boyfriend-Darsan.

    09/08/2021 20:35
  • Maria Patricia

    what a great story 😌❤️

    09/08/2021 20:07
  • Emily Struna

    I love how sweet and considerate cessi brothers are towards the women they care about. shows how well there parents raised them. if only all men were that considerate and loving.

    09/08/2021 18:35
  • Claire O'Sullivan

    any chance you can write more than one chapter at a time, the suspense is killin me

    09/08/2021 18:11
  • Reader-791093

    The story gets better and better as I keep reading it I can’t wait for it to continue

    09/08/2021 16:21
  • Tahiti_650

    let the battle begin. thanks for the update

    09/08/2021 15:38
  • ᛋᚫᚺᚱᚫ ᚹᚫᛚᛏᛖᚱᛋ

    love the update, and ready for some action! thanks Jenny!

    09/08/2021 15:05
  • sarisha rajkumar

    hi everyone.....i just finished twgf which i loved....does this book have any more details on cassandra and kairen?

    09/08/2021 13:07
  • Carlie Brandom

    love this story I am crazy addicted!!!!! hey does ashen know jisel is the reason he got stabbed by his brother.?? no one mentioned her darts

    09/08/2021 11:23
  • Elin Wiberg Wennerberg

    Hej. Stoped reading this book before because I had big expectations. but now I picked it up again after summer and I'm so pleased I did. I'm very impressed by your stories Jenny Fox. 👏👌🙌👍😄love 💘to read this book now.

    09/08/2021 11:23
  • SuperWhoFly

    I can't wait to find out the secret of the tattoos.

    09/08/2021 10:26
  • SuperWhoFly

    Love the history of the dragons! 🐲🐉

    09/08/2021 10:16
  • Lally Devon

    Wow 🤩 love 💕 the pairing Jenny 🦊 going to be epic 😎 hope they all survive the war 😘❤️❤️❤️

    09/08/2021 09:28
  • Wini Wilson

    Yuss!! Lesss Goooo 💪💪💪

    09/08/2021 08:29
  • Maria Patricia

    i love this story 💕 so much ❤️ thank you Jenny Fox 🦊❤️

    09/08/2021 06:18
  • Maria Patricia

    it's going to be an epic fight! let's all hope all this four couples make it!

    09/08/2021 06:18
  • Pattie Guthrie

    Great chapter Jenny. on the edge of my seat waiting to take the capital back and getting Sab for Tessa

    09/08/2021 05:48
  • Angie Muller9900r44r

    I just love the update and story.... On the edge of my seat for the next update

    09/08/2021 03:51
  • BookDragon

    Great update!!! Everyone is geared up to take back control of the Castle etc!! One thing I don’t think the Yekara are expecting is the Cheshi clan supporting the King Cessilia!! I hope they get to Sab soon!!

    09/08/2021 03:49
  • Leilani

    Love the new couple!! Kassian and Lady Bastat will be amazing!! Imagine… Cecilia ruling with her King and both of her brothers living in the Kingdom as well with her! Perfect blend! Of course they will need to rebuild or add to the castle so the dragons can get in. 😊

    09/08/2021 03:26
  • Reader-397104

    great update! gearing up for the coming battle! just love your writing Jenny!

    09/08/2021 03:23
  • AibeeBaby

    I’m really not ready for Kassian to be tied down lol hopefully they’re just great friends it’s too easy for me like it’s getting painfully obvious Bastat is wonderful but let this man breath and his attachment has to mean more I feel like that boy is greatness in the making from birth wow me about his Queen (Empress nobody step on my neck about the word)

    09/08/2021 03:13
  • Sabian Teautama

    love love love this update !

    09/08/2021 02:01
  • Gracee

    why am i not so thrilled shipping kassian and lady bastat..😬 loved darsan and nana’s tandem thou.there characters suits them well so as Tessa and Sab!♥️ maybe im just hopping kassian will find his love interest to another kingdom as the next in line in the throne..😂

    09/08/2021 01:57
  • Latiffa K

    yes let the battle begin!🤺 love the update! truly interesting how the story develops

    09/08/2021 01:55
  • Kathy Apodaca

    I can’t stop reading!!!! omg it is soooo good Jenny!!!! 🥰❤️

    09/08/2021 01:50
  • dianisz

    I knew it, she will end up with Kassian!!! gosh I can not wait for the next chapter!!

    09/08/2021 01:47
  • Susanna Muller

    can't wait to see Darson Dragon 🐉 and Nana reaction to each other.

    09/08/2021 01:47
  • Penny A Foxie

    Cant wait for the next chapter! Action here we come! :)

    09/08/2021 01:15
  • Penny A Foxie

    72 The plan YASSSS! Knew Kassian would likely end up with Bastet. I think they’d be a good match! Now go get Sab! I’ll be really sad if anything happens to him. laughing out loud at Darsan again. he’s so funny!

    09/08/2021 01:10
  • Kat M

    I love the pairings and I can't wait for Sab to be rescued!

    09/08/2021 01:04
  • Roseam

    I like the couples forming. They are all well suited. They also represent a wonderful change in the dynamic between the two countries. Just have to get rid of the Yekara, and maybe Jisel.

    09/08/2021 00:57
  • Kayla Elliott

    ohhh it’s sooo good!!! I’m dying for the next chapter!!!

    09/08/2021 00:38
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    Awesome pairing and great that the guys have Mended their relationship now time to kick some butt

    09/08/2021 00:23
  • ssyl

    I am less thrilled about the potential pairing of Kassian and Bastat.. this may mean the end of this series in this world. since Kassian is expected to be the next King of the dragon, there could be another book.. perhaps with the North or something.. besides, there seems to be too many pairings already- Ashen & Cessi, Tessa & Sabael, Darsan & Nana would suffice.. Kassian & Bastat pairing is a bit randon

    09/08/2021 00:11
  • Debbie Adams

    can't wait for the excitement of the battle, kind of wish the war God and his Cassie would show up

    09/08/2021 00:01
  • Walking Monkey Travels Photography

    OMG! I was right. Ladt Bastat and Kassian would be awesome together! 💕💕💕

    09/07/2021 23:57
  • Michelle Campbell

    its really good!

    09/07/2021 23:56
  • Ali Brady Nilson

    ohhhh!!! what a great chapter. here is hoping the next ones all end so well ❤️

    09/07/2021 23:53
  • Reader-148264

    just outstanding writing 💜💜💜🙌

    09/07/2021 23:26
  • Rafaella Vittoria

    ooh! love is in the air all around that group! I love it! Ashen and Cessi, Tessa and sabael, darsan, that cutie pie, and Nana, and, last, but not least, kassian and Bastat.🥰😍😻💞

    09/07/2021 23:21
  • Reader-284557


    09/07/2021 23:07
  • JoJo1989

    I get Darsan but Kassian I am not so sure. I think he is caring by his nature but as Emperor to be I feel his story shouldn't be lumped with his two siblings and cousin. His birth and friendship with Ashton shows more to him than meets the eye. So I look at everything he does is in friend ship and concern. Let's not forget he showed concern for Jasil too.

    09/07/2021 23:06
  • Jasmin Prunkl

    That was a good one... so Kassian and Bastat... interesting!!! 😍 Poor Darsan always puts his feet in his mouth... oops... now he's probably extremely serious in trying to save Sabael bc he wouldn't want Nana to loose her dear brother. That's his first reason, Tessa will probably be only the second reason but still 2 good reasons to save him. I liked the moment Ashen and Cessi shared but I still wish and hope for more. Thanks Jenny for this amazing story!!! 💕💕💕 Now let's get ready to ruuuumble!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    09/07/2021 22:49
  • Wylie Jones

    this is getting so exciting 😍😍😍

    09/07/2021 22:38
  • Heraputea Peters

    naww Darsans sooo Cuuute 😍

    09/07/2021 22:04
  • Reader-555364

    That was so awesome!! 💪 😁😁

    09/07/2021 21:15
  • Ludmila Bacova

    Darsan - the next most hilarious side kick... 🤣

    09/07/2021 21:12
  • LBowers

    that was an awesome update I cannot wait for the next chapter. I wish I had the patience to wait for a few so it wouldn’t be over so quickly but I just can’t force myself to do it. I greedy give me more!

    09/07/2021 21:12
  • Alicia Flores

    wow can't waite to see Ashen, Cessi and Tess save Sabel and the others wile Kassian, Darssan and the Dragons unleash hell on that dam Yekara

    09/07/2021 21:06
  • Cindy A

    wow I didn't see lady bastat and kassian but I like it.. they will bring the two kingdoms together now.. cant wait for what comes next... loving the story I hope and cross my fingers that they save as many people as possible. im so sure the kingdom will come together now and defeat those traitors of the yekara clan. Jisel needs to help her family too... love the story thank you Jenny for the wonderful update 🤍🤍🐉🐉🤍🤍

    09/07/2021 21:04
  • abobda’sgirl

    wow looks like loves in the air 🥰 can’t wait for them to take the kingdom back so let’s hope they win

    09/07/2021 20:53
  • Andrea Campbell Laubhan

    Just when I think it couldn't get more exciting and have greater plot lines, Jenny tops herself again!

    09/07/2021 20:49
  • Reader-768209

    love it

    09/07/2021 20:46
  • Bonib2

    Kassian and Bastat. I dig it. Nana and Darsan trumps up tops though❤❤❤

    09/07/2021 20:36
  • Allison Elizabeth Patel

    can't wait for the war to start! I want to see her become queen and bring the Kingdom back together.

    09/07/2021 20:32
  • Farrah

    love it!!❤❤❤❤

    09/07/2021 20:28
  • nv4

    I can't handle Darsan!!! 🤣 he's too freakn adorable and perfect for Nana. I cannot wait until she meets his dragon... eeekkk!

    09/07/2021 20:27
  • L. M

    Love it, Ready for battle. Darsan is too much, he knows now not to mess with Sab if he wants Nana 😂

    09/07/2021 19:55
  • Trish Yocham

    Ooh so exciting!!!

    09/07/2021 19:53
  • Tinkie

    Can't wait for the real fight and for Ashen and Cessi to get their place back!

    09/07/2021 19:50
  • Mulenga Mwamba

    lady basat is from which clan again?

    09/07/2021 19:31
  • Stephanie Foster

    Love it!!

    09/07/2021 19:31
  • shanaaz shaz

    amazing ❤❤❤❤

    09/07/2021 19:30
  • Lindy Mundier Petrishin

    freaking fabulous again ❤️❤️❤️

    09/07/2021 19:21
  • Shrut Keerti

    Kassian and lady bastat! nice!!

    09/07/2021 19:12
  • Reader-207768

    Does anyone wish that Cessi would call her Dad!? I’m like girrrrl just go gone and get alll your bothers and dragons 😂

    09/07/2021 19:08
  • Lally Devon

    Darsan is hilarious 😂 he actually remind me of Anur can’t wait for the next chapter thank you 🙏 Jenny Fox 🦊 😘❤️❤️❤️

    09/07/2021 10:42
  • Meli

    I just finished with chapter 4 ..I loved book 1 and this 2nd book is already amazing ;) I really wish to watch it in a movie 1 day u might try to sell the script :))))

    09/07/2021 10:38
  • Twila Carter

    I am so ready to see what’s about to happen ☺️😊 Jenny never fails to impress!

    09/07/2021 07:07
  • Beatriz Astorga Morales

    An epic war!!! Can’t wait for the action! 👊👊👊☺️☺️☺️

    09/07/2021 05:09
  • Sky💕

    Yes, Darsan! 💍 lol

    09/07/2021 05:01
  • Sky💕

    wow, there dragon history was amazing to here. 🐉❤️

    09/07/2021 04:29
  • Sky💕

    So here for Nana and Darsan! ❤️

    09/07/2021 02:54
  • Ann Poiron

    Darsan, the klutz! Still wow, from this tribe being descendants of the dragons followers. but the fight is coming to them now. Cessi wants a map, she has a plan? I knew it, smart girl, so what the plan?? can’t wait until the next chapter.

    09/07/2021 02:13
  • Sky💕

    Not them asking Jisel if she getting on or not? 🤦🏾‍♀️ sis just tried to kill your man and tried to kill you. I want Ishira and Kassian together. Are related or just come from the same tribe?

    09/07/2021 01:25
  • TrishaReads

    I'm sooo glad the brothers are here! so excited to get to know Kassian..i thought he'd be the main character of book 2, but at least he's taking part in the action...and Darsan is hilarious!🤭🤭🤭

    09/07/2021 01:13

    Love these stories! When will the rest of the White King be released!??

    09/06/2021 23:55
  • Rafaella Vittoria

    OMG! Darsan is so cute! a klutz but a cute one! I love him! can't wait to read more about Cessi and Ashen

    09/06/2021 20:52
  • Maria Patricia

    i loved it 🥰💓

    09/06/2021 19:38
  • Dustin Gramc

    These stories are amazing. The world needs them in movie form or a series. But! They can't change anything it is perfect like it is.

    09/06/2021 18:47
  • Deanna Wilbur

    your english is just fine, love this story

    09/06/2021 17:49