The White King's Favorite Comments

  • Pattie Guthrie

    Who is the father? Great chapter I can't wait for another one or five.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    should have known that old man was up to something but wasn’t expecting to see 1 of the Kings brothers. Now another challenge

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Est7711

    love it Jenny😍, why Ashen didn't like Cessilia came to his Kingdom ? But he gave her the very best service? is Yassim know the story about Cessilia & Ashen long before?🤔 it's so exited to know more... I feel the connection now between this line story... cann't wait to read more... 😍❤❤❤👍

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • yeyy go Cessi

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • reader2121

    Jisel needs to go

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Alicia Flores

    I think Cessilias performance is something to do with water... I think she is like her mom.... Please I need to know what happen to her Dragon 😖

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Raluca Iolanda Dragoi

    Soooo happy! Thank you for this new story!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Debra Burkhart

    I am sooooo hooked on this story. questions like what happened to ashen years ago, what went on between ashen and cess, what happened to her dragon, will Tessa get the guard, what happens to the mistress, Enquiry minds want to know. I love this story and I do hope more chapters will be published soon. keep up the great work.

    09/04/2023 08:08

    Tessa is a mood

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Amanda Gray

    cessi is bout to light that King’s ass up! she isn’t gonna play like that....

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Latiffa K

    awesome! now they are really related can't wait to read more

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Penny A Foxie

    I can feel the tension from here!! can’t wait for the next chapter!!! :)

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • I’m so loving this story can’t wait for More!!😁❤️

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • ze Halle

    this book is gonna kill me i need to read more 😭

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • another interaction with the king, I can’t wait!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Satrupa Mohapatra

    it seems Jesil is somehow connected to second or 5th Prince and she is from Cassi's maternal side too

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Chrishenda Benoit Pidgeon

    I can’t wait to see the interaction of the King and Krai

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Heather Pershing

    Once again another amazing chapter! congratulations on 1 million reads!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Bella Jersey 2

    Jisel is play a very interesting game. Krai checking her out. there’s more to that little red head girl than meets the eye. who were the other monsters she was talking about?

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Twila Carter

    Now they better leave Krai alone! 😤😤😤 They gone end up fried otherwise 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Love it till now. And I love the main characters personalities.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Marilou C Wier

    Don’t tell me Jisel was Cessilias former dragon? Does dragon can transform to human? 😛

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Katie Factor

    Ok... so where is Cece???

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Game on 👏

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Oh God 😂 I knew he was hiding something else lol he's lucky one of her brothers didn't come with her instead

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Shivani Knight

    loved, LOVED war gods favorite!!! so excited to see the outcome of this one. already in love with this

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • HE RA

    I hope kairen and Cassandra show up at some point, or even better, cessi' brothers & siblings!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • shanaaz shaz

    ffs every single chapter has me at the edge of my seat begging for more what the hell man..... jenny Fox ur killing me

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Satui Maui'a Laufau

    thank you Jenny! I am enjoying this book extremely! I absolutely love this cousin duo! oh I cannot wait until your next update!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Dies anyone else have a theory about her stutter. I think she may have tried to get back to Ashen but was injured in the process. Thus the chocker necklace to hide the scar. Maybe her dragon was injured or fled in the process.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Ahlie

    so the king is sutle in kidnapping cessi for a while❣❣❣ sweet😊

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Penny A Foxie

    Thanks for another awesome chapter Jenny! I get excited when I see an update! xo

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Shavawn Gibbs

    I cannot wait to see what comes next!! Is this updated a chapter a day? I feel like I’m going to have to go back and re-read parts! It’s hard not being able to just keep reading!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • reader2121

    Loving this! I can’t wait for more interactions between Tess and Sab and Cess and Ash!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Lally Devon

    I love Tessa omg 😱 she sounds like Mie and Cecillia like Cassie ahhh can’t wait for the story to unfold sooooo bloody good 😌 thank you 🙏 Jenny 🦊 😘❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • abobda’sgirl

    omg why is he so mad

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Ani Ram

    Where is Cessilia's dragon?

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Reader-397104

    ahh another great cliffhanger ❤️

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Pattie Guthrie

    omg loved this chapter!!! Waiting for the next one.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Reader-555364

    Baby Dragons!!!!! 😁😁😁🎉🎉🎉 And Kairen and Cassie had at least 8 children! 😲 Christ that’s a lot! 🤣🤣🤣

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Lally Devon

    So good 😊 your amazing Jenny Fox 🦊 love 💕 it 😘

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Ludmila Bacova

    I ❤ the Ashen-Cessi scenes. Romance much needed!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Reader-671139

    OMG-this chapter was awesome!! Why does Jisel know so much about Cessi’s family??Why doesn’t Ashen get rid of her and attempt to win over Cessi instead of sending mixed signals? I love when Cessi said to stop feeling sorry just for himself!!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • ohhhh he’s in trouble!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Elisa Scalabrini

    I desperately need more!!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Soph Hugh

    I hope knocks some sense into the handsome guard while she is at it.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Gabzzz Rodzzz

    I like Cessi and how sge is sweet and shy and then her temper comes out.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Mie Ricafrap

    very ruthless to cut the chapter on that part 😭😭😭 cant wait for more

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Carl Sandstrom

    great story amazing character development

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Beatriz Astorga Morales

    Omg! Can’t wait to see their babies!!! And of course, I want to see her father and brothers too!!! 🥳🥳🥳

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Debbie Adams

    another great chapter

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • can’t wait for More 😁enjoying every minute

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Christina Kay Maynard

    I'm so curious as to what's going to happen next love it

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Joy Ringold

    this is my favorite of yours yet!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Kylie Yates

    can’t wait to see what happens next.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    Congrates Cessi for all the support from the other clans. Look at Ashen standing proud with his Queen!!!!!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Maria Rotir

    I can't wait to see what Cessi has up her sleeve. And I love that she didn't just accept a half hearted apology and that she called Ashen out for feeling sorry only for himself and not understanding what Cessi went through.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • pinkaxela

    Oh my god.. That's sad,, Cessi had a flashback of what had happened before..🥺❤️

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • GO CESSI GO !!!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Velina Dimova

    I've been waiting for the story to build up and it's been built up... it is amazing.... I'm all in since the first couple of paragraphs! Like everything Jenny write, this one is amazing!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Liz Herbst

    Okay, I get to love this book even more than The War Gods Favorite... Please don't leave this unfinished... I couldn't deal with that.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Raluca Iolanda Dragoi

    Jisel is the other monster in the room?! She is not afraid of Krai, she kiled Veda or ask somebody to do it. She wants to be Queen. Asheen I hope you prove yourself to Cessi and you break your relation to Jisel. You can't tell Cessi you lovw her and keep a mistress!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • dianisz

    omg this was such a good chapter, I feel so bad for Ashen and his past. I loved how he took her on a little date, they needed it. I hope this time he will give in and finally be with her I know that would help with his doubts.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Anu

    amazing story Jenny....thank you so much....can’t wait for more

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • so excited for this story!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • yay! they get to be out on a date without people watching they’re every move. i love that ashen took cessi to his childhood home and shared what his life was like- i’m glad he had a loving mother. i felt for him and his family as he talked about his horrible father. looking forward to see how the rest of the date goes.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • shanaaz shaz

    ❤❤❤❤❤ I dont think the "mistress" is actually his mistress guys dont hate me... I'm fully 100% team cessi but I feel that theres more to the that red heads story.... maybe just wishful thinking 🤷🏽‍♀️

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Ahlie

    ashen eye-guarding cessi 😁

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Alicia Flores

    oooo Jenny you tease I can't wait for the next update and see Tesa do her thing.... she is going to kick some butt hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • 😂👏Poor Yassim the Wise!! He is amazed and terrified at the same time!!😂👏Loving it so far!!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Katie Factor

    So why drug them? Has she been doing this every time before Ashen goes to battle? Is Ashen not as powerful as he's made out to be?

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Alicia Flores

    love the chapter... can't waite to see how Cessi changes the King mind 😁

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Nazus S

    Oh chapter 13 and I think the White king is somehow connected to Cessi's dragon, or lack of 🤔 Maybe the dragon was white and somehow saved the king..gave a piece of life/soul to him.. Could explain the intens staring scene and the anger issues.. he feels something (someone) is missing.. but what?! That's my probably wrong theory ✨😝🤗

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Okafor Umensofor Peace Chinma

    I'm not sure I liked this chapter, my girls love lives aren't going as expected

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Alicia Flores

    I knew Jisel was helping the King some how... that is the reason he keeps her with him... maybe she is not his concubine at all but thatvis the facade 😱😱😱😱 She must have herbal knolage like Cassandra and Misandre 🤔🤔🤔🤔

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Maria Patricia

    so amazing! each chapter 💕💕💕! thank you 😊😍

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • omgggggg baby dragons!!!!! and Krai, I’m so glad to hear he’s still alive and doing well. I really wonder where Kairen is, and even their eldest son, Kassian and kian!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Annie Balotti-Paleen

    Jenny, you are such a master of cliffhangers!!! Dang. I loved this one! Love your strong female characters! thank you!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Lauren Fowler

    sexy pirate 😂😂

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Shotzie

    I'm enjoying this book immensely, but you need to release more chapters. 1 or 2 at a time isn't enough. Especially for the weekend 🤨

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • linda

    argh jisel. 🙈🙈🙈

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Tara Holland

    more I want more 😂 I love this book 😍 can't wait for TWGF to come out in paper back

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Liz Stalling

    I love Tessa 🤣🤣🤣

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Great chapter once again. Wondering what she's going to say and how the king will react.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • I wonder though, why Jisel would let others tell her story.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Joy Ringold

    I thought that they knew each other!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Susie V

    Omg! I loved this chapter, your writing is amazing!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Kat M

    Yes they are rallying behind a great candidate!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • please please can hardly wait ... hoping the tension between them turns into a passion tht rivals her parents 🔥❤️🔥

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Mellie NewMe Perez

    This is an amazing story!

    09/04/2023 08:08

    I can't wait for more interaction between her and the King ❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Heather Pershing

    Amazing update!!! I look forward to seeing how this plays out.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Ahlie

    oh man... i wonder who's more scary... krai or the king. i bet the ladies are the best persons to explain to yassim

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • woahhhh!!! go Tessa

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Annie Balotti-Paleen

    Damn! what a chapter! hang in there Cessi, hope someone stops her before she does something she regrets.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Auras Laura

    soo....they have a history?😳 let's wait and see😁

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Wcha

    I wonder what happened between cessie and the king and her dragon

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Latosha Boulton

    Love this story ❤ keep it coming !

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • I got hooked already with this story. can’t wait for the next chapter

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Amanda Phipps

    I love this story and and the characters thank you Jenny the twgf is one of my favorites.

    09/04/2023 08:08