The White King's Favorite Comments
Jean Lao
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (me the entire time reading this chapter)
09/04/2023 07:54I really enjoy your writing!
09/04/2023 07:54britany wallace
that sly ole Yassim!!
09/04/2023 07:54Hilary
wow another suspenseful chapter!
09/04/2023 07:54Wcha
love it
09/04/2023 07:54Cindy A
omg love the chapter thank you Jenny it was amazing... I'm sure Ashen will win her back he loves her cant wait to see what happens next... So glad Tessa is there with her ❤❤❤❤
09/04/2023 07:54linda
I need them to fly to the Eastern Kingdom asap to meet the King, so curious 😅🙈
09/04/2023 07:54Woodenheart Plaza
i want more..i love them so much, i hate jisel too😊
09/04/2023 07:54Calypso
😳 that ending....... I neeeeeedddd mooorrreeeeee 😁🙈
09/04/2023 07:54Reader-397104
great chapter learning about Ashen childhood can’t wait for update!
09/04/2023 07:54Angela Risk
......alright fine! keep us on the edge of our seat! not like I'm Figaro pouting over here.
09/04/2023 07:54Alialicia
I know this is Cessis and Ash’s story and love how it’s progressing but these Tess and Sab moments are everything to me. I was cheesing so big at their interactions. Also sir dragon and Nana are too cute!
09/04/2023 07:54PoisonedPix
I need this performance too!
09/04/2023 07:54Maria Patricia
i loved it 🥰 can't wait for the next chapter! thank you so much Jenny 💗
09/04/2023 07:54SvS 🐝
Cessi clearly is a born queen 👑
09/04/2023 07:54abobda’sgirl
omg what is her talent going to be
09/04/2023 07:54Mina
Oh gosh these two are so cute together!! 💕💕💕 loved this sweet chapter, thank you, Jenny!! 🌹
09/04/2023 07:54ommggggg finally! I’ve been waiting to hear words on Kassian!! Im so curious about Cessi too and how she came to have her stutter. was it caused by something in her childhood or was she born with it? she seems such an angel, pure and innocent ❤️❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 07:54Sheetu Zutshi Bhat
loved it ❤️
09/04/2023 07:54Kira Kuo
so much hissing, tongue clicking and deep, heaving, chest breathing. Ashen is capable of speaking without hissing I hope. I couldn't have a spouse that hissed every word.
09/04/2023 07:54Annie Balotti-Paleen
great chapter! loving the similarities and differences between the two dragon stories! again I am anxiously waiting your next chapter! loving the story! thank you
09/04/2023 07:54Did anyone else notice that her choker isn’t mentioned? Is her neck exposed? I started thinking she was covering up a scar from the trauma that caused her stuttering. I can’t wait till the next update!!!
09/04/2023 07:54Reader-397104
Can’t wait to see what happens when they get to the Kingdom!
09/04/2023 07:54Elizabeth Cristina Diaz
I need updates in this book every day. I'm reading 3 others and honestly this is my #1 top favorite. I didn't think it was possible for a sequel to be even better than the first one. But this book have it all. And ohhhhhh the secrets, so many secrets. Can't wait to find out.
09/04/2023 07:54BookDragon
Oh my gosh, wow!!! That was a very good update!! Allot of good information about Ashen! It helps to understand where he’s coming from and what shaped him! Cessilia will definitely be a great wife and Queen for him!!
09/04/2023 07:54Monika
I live it 😍😍😍
09/04/2023 07:54rosie
I sure hope Tessa gets to kick whoever’s ass that ransacked Cessis room lol I’ve been itching for some Tessa action!!
09/04/2023 07:54Reader-555364
awesome!!!! 😁😁😁👍👍👍
09/04/2023 07:54Reader-341700
Aw I love Cessi! Now I hope she turns her attention to her efforts to helping the actual people from the storm and flooding.
09/04/2023 07:54dianisz
this las 2 chapters were my fav so far
09/04/2023 07:54abobda’sgirl
don’t like Jisel somethings off
09/04/2023 07:54nfau4714
Ooouu Miss Queen Cessi daughter of TWO dragons came for they necks! 🐉👸
09/04/2023 07:54Matija Šegmanović
I love that her performance wasn't something to entertain people. A queen is not a fool to make people laugh or let them pass time by watching her showing off her talents, she is a leader that ought to be respected and Cessi just showed that she demands and is worthy of their respect and fear. Thank you for yet another great chapter!
09/04/2023 07:54Inma Navarro Blanco
more and more clues about the past!!! I'm really amazed by this second book
09/04/2023 07:54Holite Monroe
😍 I missed you. He has turned out to be such an awesome dad! 😊😊 I cant wait for what’s to come! 😁😁
09/04/2023 07:54Reader-555364
Wow. That was amazing. And he FINALLY asked about her dragon! Can’t wait to hear that story 😁
09/04/2023 07:54Luz
so... like not talk at all or talk without stuttering??
09/04/2023 07:54Maripouet
Makes more sense in a way : how could have Ashen be so strong without the dragon's blood the War God has? To be trained by him gives skills, but not the godly strength and healing skin. So Jisel might be his secret weapon and counselor instead of mistress?? So intriguing and interesting!! Plot thickens earlier than TWGF, and I'm liking that!! 🤫 Thank you for such amazing stories 💞
09/04/2023 07:54I am in love with this story!!! ready for the next update!
09/04/2023 07:54I almost want to turn my notifications off so the chapters can pile up but I know I can't stay away from this story!
09/04/2023 07:53chp 24: Yes!!!! I'm satisfied in so many ways.
09/04/2023 07:53Moonlight Muse
oo another excellent chapter its going so well
09/04/2023 07:53Teresa Bryant
this chapter was awesome!
09/04/2023 07:53Reader-397104
love it! Ashen better apologize
09/04/2023 07:53Rafaella Vittoria
Awesome chapter! I love the relationship between these two! Can't wait to read more! 🥰🥰🥰💖💖
09/04/2023 07:53Kayla Swick
I mean...... 🤔🤔 I understand why Celsius despises Jisel. she feels she was replaced especially with how much they look alike. Cessi probably feels that Ashen never loved her at all.
09/04/2023 07:53Christina Nevarez
wait a second... aren't her scales supposed to be purple?
09/04/2023 07:53SvS 🐝
i love tessas and sabs little romance. it really warms my heart
09/04/2023 07:53Ali Brady Nilson
So, did Tessa cut off Safia’s hand?
09/04/2023 07:53Ali Brady Nilson
I LOVE this! Cessi is so smart, and so kind. Not only is she helping the people outside, but she is giving Ashen an opportunity to connect to his people as well.
09/04/2023 07:53yesss!!! I love this book!!!
09/04/2023 07:53Lally Devon
omg 😱 The War God is going to flip Jisel I hope I’m wrong but I smell trouble 👿
09/04/2023 07:53Drawkser
I want more!! I can’t get enough of your books
09/04/2023 07:53lineo
So closeeeeeee to meeting the King! and Yassim, man oh man. Sure did take a risk 😂 I feel like Cassandra already had a feeling and knew his reasons and how much he was risking. Looking forward to Cessi’s meeting with Ashen though and more. Love her story so much already!
09/04/2023 07:53I can't shake the feeling that Jisell is the one behind the murder. After all she did talk to Vena and Ashra in advance. Considering Vena smiled to Jisell before asking the king to dance the redhead probably set her up for the embarrasment to ultimately get her alone. It would also explain why Ashra was showing fear when confronted by Jisell. If she really is one of the smarter competators, it would make scense that shr put two and two together. I gess we'll wait and see.
09/04/2023 07:53Jenny Meador-Killinger
I'm hopeful there will be new chapters very soon. please with sugar on top!! hehe thanks
09/04/2023 07:53Williamsmommaof4
I am so anxious for the next chapters to be released.
09/04/2023 07:53Anita Mara
great chapter!!
09/04/2023 07:53I’m pretty sure this is either the King’s doing or Jisel that witch!!!! omg such a great chapter!!!
09/04/2023 07:53Okafor Umensofor Peace Chinma
Oh, Jenny
09/04/2023 07:53Kimberly M
I love this story. I would love more of the King and Cessi interacting...oh and Darsan to show up and give Tessa hell for stealing and breaking his sword. 🤣
09/04/2023 07:53dianisz
dun dun dun
09/04/2023 07:53Amie Patia
Really liked this chapter! Jisel has this real badass aura about her. She makes a good villain. Curious to see who she really is. Amazing as always Jenny! 💞
09/04/2023 07:53Raewyn Edwards-Bercic
Red hair and olive skin? Perhaps half rain tribe?
09/04/2023 07:53rocknrollqueen91
Okay, this last chapter is so good but also I feel physically sick towards Ashen at this point and I don't know how I would ever forgive him for taking a mistress. I don't know how he'll ever be able to make up for it.
09/04/2023 07:53nemone van Der bliake
what is jisel up to?
09/04/2023 07:53Reader-707011
After the argument with Ashen, I would have left. Make Ashen realize what he is missing and pursue her. She is not desperate. She Should hold her head high and leave him to his misery until he comes to his senses.
09/04/2023 07:53Teresa Beckett
this story gets more interesting each update
09/04/2023 07:53Sabine Pellinore
That suspense...
09/04/2023 07:53Holite Monroe
oooo....I really don’t like Jisel..I swear she’s behind it all and is saying she can vouch for cessi just to keep everyone off her and what she did...ugh can’t stand her...😡 awesome chapter Jenny! I need more!! 😁😁
09/04/2023 07:53Sel Murf
So Yassim is coming accross shady, he did say he haf a hunch about Ashen amd the God's... But Cessi likes him? Maybe a lesson for her?
09/04/2023 07:53Micah Dordolle
I am disappointed, so disappointed! I was hoping for way more chapters. Only one, really! I am so hooked on finding out what happens next! Keep up the good work!
09/04/2023 07:53thank you 🙏 for this wonderful story! I really want to hear about their past and what exactly happened to her dragon.
09/04/2023 07:53Shawna
mmm wow can't wait for the next chapter
09/04/2023 07:53Drawkser
amazing chapter, please more 🥺🥺🥺
09/04/2023 07:53Alicia Flores
I wonder what is going to be Ashen's reaction 🤔
09/04/2023 07:53Sel Murf
Mmm... Betcha WK amd C about to get intimate... And the brothers show up... Think they gotta week b4 Darsan amd Co find out Cess has gone... And Tess has left with his weapons
09/04/2023 07:53LBowers
so awesome cannot wait for the next chapter
09/04/2023 07:53Anyone know when the next update will be?
09/04/2023 07:53Jael Brown
Great update Jenny. I can't help but feel like there's something Yassim is not telling Cessi and Tessa and I can't wait to found out what it is.
09/04/2023 07:53Mar Quess
I so freakin love this sequel....
09/04/2023 07:53I kind of have to respect Jisel though. She's the only one who figured out what's going on between Cessi and Ashen. And she's intelligent enough to try to ally with her instead of making Cessi her enemy. a true villain
09/04/2023 07:53Reshu Reshu
wen I'll be next update???
09/04/2023 07:53Angelica Monteon
love it love it so good waiting for the updates is almost painful can hardly wait to see it unfold
09/04/2023 07:53LBowers
I love your books cannot wait for the next updatw
09/04/2023 07:53😍
09/04/2023 07:53Okafor Umensofor Peace Chinma
Jisel? Interesting. Let the story keep unfolding
09/04/2023 07:53Heraputea Peters
thanks for the update
09/04/2023 07:53Satrupa Mohapatra
as usual the best ❤️
09/04/2023 07:53Laur S
I love this book! I need to know what happened to her dragon so many theories. if Ashen is serious he needs to get rid of his mistress already!
09/04/2023 07:53Maggie Sanderson Kuhn
omg the suspense is BRUTAL!!!! I cannot wait to read more. so enjoying the back story for ashen and cessi. can’t wait to read how she changed and where is her dragon and what with the choker and stutters
09/04/2023 07:53Sharon MacDonald
Thank you, Jenny for the Lovely chapter. it was very moving.
09/04/2023 07:53Okafor Umensofor Peace Chinma
Wow! Tessa is badass...Wonderful performance Cessi
09/04/2023 07:53Jael Brown
I love this chapter, and that comeback was do good. Cessi you go girl!!!
09/04/2023 07:53Satrupa Mohapatra
Tessa and Neptune's bickering reminded me of Missendra and Empress ..❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 07:53Elizabeth Keefer
Went to try and read the new chapter it won't let me. I am so excited for the next one can't wait!
09/04/2023 07:53Satui Maui'a Laufau
oh I cannot wait to read what you have in store for Cessi! but my gosh, I love reading about my all time favorite character Kairen! I just love that man! Thank you for the update Jenny!
09/04/2023 07:53Rafaella Vittoria
God, Tessa is such a badass. She surely can kick ass! I love these dragon girls!
09/04/2023 07:53AmaTay
when is the next chapters coming out? is it like a daily update or are they updated when your able to?
09/04/2023 07:53Maria Patricia
I've got so many questions... I'm keeping myself from spoilers! then I'll just say, i can't wait for the next chapter!
09/04/2023 07:53