The White King's Favorite Comments

  • Beatriz Astorga Morales

    I know Jisel is so bad… I feel sorry for her… the only one who cares about her is Jinn 🥺🥺🥺

    08/20/2021 03:05
  • Beatriz Astorga Morales

    Love Nana!!! 👊👊👊

    08/20/2021 03:03
  • William Cooper

    enjoying this book, it's an excellent read

    08/20/2021 02:41
  • Wendy Virginia

    ❤️🤩❤️ yayyyyy.

    08/20/2021 02:30
  • Alicia McNeil

    YESS! I knew they were coming. Can't wait for the next update!🥳

    08/20/2021 02:30
  • Shedrika Frinks

    about time loved this chapter

    08/20/2021 02:26
  • Annie Balotti-Paleen

    YEAH!!!! Way to go Brothers!!!

    08/20/2021 02:15
  • YA 😍

    I really like the name Darsan ❤️

    08/20/2021 02:08
  • Kitty-694016

    more please!!!!

    08/20/2021 02:06
  • Ali Brady Nilson

    yeah!!!!! the brothers came ❤️❤️❤️

    08/20/2021 02:02
  • Reader-397104

    great update! finally found out jisel story or at least some of it! and a beginning of rescue!

    08/20/2021 01:54
  • dianisz

    ok Jenny you need to update like today… PLEASEEEE

    08/20/2021 01:41
  • dianisz

    I knew it!!! I knew Darsan and Kassian would show up!!! get ready nana your prince awaits!!! Jeje

    08/20/2021 01:39
  • dianisz

    omgggggg yessss

    08/20/2021 01:38
  • REB

    So excited!

    08/20/2021 01:33
  • Jacqueline Doss-Cola

    Hero Squad has arrived!

    08/20/2021 01:21
  • Kay Mtz

    OMG, OMG... finally cecilia' brothers... I am hoping for nana and Cecilia's older brother, kassian, to start an interesting love story too.... besides cessilia-ashen and tessa- sabel. ... I love this book !!!

    08/20/2021 01:20
  • Johana Lem


    08/20/2021 01:11
  • Luna Gudine

    🥳 let the party begin... i love this chapter and though i have been waiting for Jisel's demise, i have a bad feeling she's not going to die anytime soon... then again maybe the won't worry that she's their cousin and kill her anyway for hurting Cessi and Tessa

    08/20/2021 01:05
  • Selene Murf

    Oops I put a spoiler in the comment, soz Jenny

    08/20/2021 00:43
  • Selene Murf

    Great chapter!! Knew the brothers would come, its been a couple of weeks. Darsan has come for his swords, from Tess

    08/20/2021 00:43
  • Rafaella Vittoria

    I knew her brothers would come to help! Krai probably went to call for help! Yay!👏

    08/20/2021 00:41
  • MK NoahCordero

    yessss brothers to the rescue

    08/20/2021 00:26
  • Charlie Hobden

    yayyyyy brothers to the rescue can't wait for the next chapter 😁

    08/20/2021 00:25
  • Casey Horn

    What I'd Jisel ends up with one of the brothers?

    08/20/2021 00:24
  • Jasmin Prunkl

    Isn't Kassian one of Cessi's brothers?? So finally her brothers come to the rescue... good...😍 but will they be happy about Ashen?? 🤔 Interesting story of Jisel. So she's the daughter of one of Vrehans sisters? That makes sense with the dragons. So mixing a rain tribe member with so of the DE means a water dragon for the boys. But as Cessi's mother is the Water Goddess all her children got water dragons, wether male nor female children... really interesting... can't wait for the next update... 🥰🥰🥰

    08/20/2021 00:20
  • Kat M

    Yes the brothers!

    08/20/2021 00:18
  • Sheetu Zutshi Bhat

    Wonderful chapter Jenny.. loved it

    08/20/2021 00:18
  • Heraputea Peters

    im 😱😆😆😆😆 yesssss 😍😍😍

    08/20/2021 00:13
  • Amie 🙂

    arghhhhhhhhhhh...... the boys have arrived yayyyyy..... I'm going to read that part over and over again lol

    08/20/2021 00:06
  • Lele

    Yay brothers!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

    08/20/2021 00:05
  • LC9

    yay! the boys are there!! I can’t wait to read more!!

    08/20/2021 00:04
  • susanashley

    Great update!! I really enjoyed hearing Jisel's story and I'm excited about Cessi's brothers showing up!!

    08/19/2021 23:58
  • Josie McAllister

    JENNY!!! stop it imma need u to stop my blood pressure is to the roof heart palpitations and all I CAN NOT WAIT for the next update

    08/19/2021 23:55
  • Melina Jo

    OMG Im so excited about this story. never a dull moment!

    08/19/2021 23:34
  • L. M

    Omg I’m so excited, can I please be selfish and ask for more chapters :)

    08/19/2021 23:24
  • Soph Hugh

    such interesting characters and mysteries begging the be solved…

    08/19/2021 23:17
  • Amber Wilson

    I really enjoy this story!!! can’t wait for more chapters!

    08/19/2021 23:15
  • Ahlie


    08/19/2021 23:07
  • Tahiti_650

    oh gosh I can’t wait. please please please

    08/19/2021 23:06
  • Gee Higgins

    yes yes her brothers have arrived...can't wait for update. gosh Jenny do u always end with a nail biter. can't wait to meet the brothers exciting

    08/19/2021 23:02
  • F. Shukri

    Question: Dragon eggs are born from the parent dragon. Like Kian and his dragon siblings were born from Krai. Which dragon did Jinn originate from? Jisel's mother didn't have a dragon. How would that work?

    08/19/2021 23:00
  • Kimberly Fuls

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love it! Keep the chapters coming lady. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    08/19/2021 22:53
  • Kimberly Winters

    ahhhhh omg!! I was wondering when kassian and Darsan would catch them up. so excited please post soon

    08/19/2021 22:50
  • Penny A Foxie

    Totally just fist pumped on the train. so excited.

    08/19/2021 22:45
  • Cristin Ronqvist

    OMFG amazing Jenny WOW! Just wow, love it more then love it and cant wait for more chapters ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    08/19/2021 22:44
  • Penny A Foxie

    64 The monster Finally her brothers!! Yay!!! I’m so excited!!!! Its time for Nana’s romance!! please let Sab have made it because the boys helped them first!! Arrrrrgggghhh!!

    08/19/2021 22:42
  • pinkaxela

    OHMYGOD!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO REACT!! As soon as I finished the chapters, I just stare blankly at the ceiling.. I was saving three chapters to read at once. It was a mistake. SO MANY EMOTIONS COMING THROUGH!!

    08/19/2021 22:40
  • Danielle Salazar

    please don’t pair jisel with one of the brothers☹️ 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    08/19/2021 22:39
  • Debbie Adams

    I was wondering when the brothers were going to show up

    08/19/2021 22:30
  • Claire O'Sullivan

    wow. I never want this story to end. please let ashen be ok. and jisel to find peace and love

    08/19/2021 22:27
  • Em Gee

    Chapter 64 😍 Wouldn’t it be a fun twist if… . . . . . sweet-little-nobody-Nana’s smarts caught the eye of Kassian and she became the future Empress of the Dragon Empire??

    08/19/2021 22:19
  • Lora Papin

    thank you for addressing the question of jisel and the dragon blood

    08/19/2021 22:18
  • Katie Sue Tidmore

    please tell me one of the brothers fells in love with Naptunie!!❤️❤️❤️

    08/19/2021 22:17
  • Lally Devon

    Impeccable timing ⏱ Boys so overwhelmed Kassian and Darsan arrived with their dragons 🐉 thank you 🙏 Jenny 🦊 😘❤️❤️❤️

    08/19/2021 21:56
  • Iani328

    best news ever!!!! finally what I was hoping for! the brothers are there!!!!

    08/19/2021 21:54
  • Maria Patricia

    OH! I'm so excited! thank you dear Jenny Fox 🦊❤️

    08/19/2021 21:53
  • anna sota


    08/19/2021 21:39
  • Okafor Umensofor Peace Chinma

    Yeah!!! Thank you Jenny, see me dancing and shouting. Yekara tribe let's see how you will end

    08/19/2021 21:29
  • Linds Allana

    THE BROTHERS!!!! 💕💕💕💕 just in time!!! WOW this plot is getting intense!!! I am absolutely loving how the back story of their bloodlines is coming together. THANK YOU for another wonderful chapter!

    08/19/2021 21:25
  • Natural Mystic

    I was agonizingly waiting for either The War God or her brothers to grace up with their presence. Can't wait to find out their characteristics and how protective they are of Ceci.."Ohh hi brother's, meet our long lost cousin that's been trying to kill us!"

    08/19/2021 21:23
  • Kayee Tee

    so you meeeeeeaaaaaannn to tell me!!! you got my hopes up thinking cece was gonna pop out that lake… at least it was pillowed by the arrival of the brothers

    08/19/2021 21:13
  • Aury Mazariegos

    yasss!!!!! the brothers are here!! can’t wait for the next chapter

    08/19/2021 21:12
  • F. Shukri

    Big brothers to the rescue! ♥️♥️♥️

    08/19/2021 21:05
  • Alicia Flores

    the two brothers are here to save the day 😁 I wonder if Darsan is going to fell for Nana 🤔 the good news is they are getring out in time to save Ashen... I wonder if Krai is near too 🤔🤔🤔

    08/19/2021 21:05
  • Rosie Smith

    brilliant thanks jenny love it 😀

    08/19/2021 21:04
  • Allison Elizabeth Patel

    I am jumping for joy that family has arrived. her older brother and maybe her dad?!?? I'm so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

    08/19/2021 21:02
  • Xena

    AHHHHH THE BROTHERS! I’ve been waiting for this!! I kinda feel bad for Jisel even though she’s a horrible person. oh man can one of them fall in love with Nana pleaseeeeeee

    08/19/2021 21:02
  • jen

    Tessa's in trouble now...shouldn't have taken those swords

    08/19/2021 21:02
  • nv4

    Yaaasssss finally the bros get here!!! I really really really hope Nana and one her brothers fall in love with each other. 😍🙌🏽🐲

    08/19/2021 20:51
  • Courtney Jane Burrows

    interesting. wouldn't tessandras brother if she had one be dragon anyway. as her father was a dragon prince? and missandra her mother is of the rain tribe. it doesn't make sense?.

    08/19/2021 20:51
  • Dahlia Mynd


    08/19/2021 20:47
  • over it

    first woohoo finally the boys are here but seriously tess sibling if was a male would have dragon regardless cause her dad was a dragon empire prince..same reason she has dragon traits

    08/19/2021 20:46
  • Inna McCans

    yeeeesssss! finally!

    08/19/2021 20:40
  • MReinanda

    Was hoping they would make an appearance

    08/19/2021 20:38
  • Kathy Apodaca

    I was hoping it was CeCe, but any dragon is good especially now the older brothers are there to help! yes, kill the traitor Yekaras!!!

    08/19/2021 20:29
  • Karen Ann Houmark

    Been waiting for Cessi' brothers (mostly Kassian) to show up! Can I say I freaked out over the ending of this chapter? And is anxiously (more than usual anyway) waiting for the next?😜

    08/19/2021 20:28
  • Stephanie Woerner Cooper

    The brothers!!! Now Darsen needs to fall in love with Nana and Kassien with one of the other allies.

    08/19/2021 20:28
  • Ludmila Bacova


    08/19/2021 20:27
  • shanaaz shaz

    yes yes yes

    08/19/2021 20:27
  • Bonib2

    Yessshhhh, now the fun begins, woot woot woot. Thank for this update Jenny.

    08/19/2021 20:25
  • PoisonedPix

    yes !!!!

    08/19/2021 20:23
  • Jessica Boyd

    great update thx Jenny looking forward to the next one

    08/19/2021 20:21
  • Mewsie

    silver scales. hmmmmm looks like some Yekara are going to be in a lot of tro

    08/19/2021 20:10
  • Mawusi Ford

    omg 😜😜😜💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

    08/19/2021 20:08
  • Nenita Porol

    wow. I'm excited thank you for the update

    08/19/2021 20:08
  • Areleen Torres

    Woohoo! I've been longing for Cece's brothers to show up!! Let the fun begin :)

    08/19/2021 19:58
  • Zora Parker

    YES! the brothers!!! I cannot wait till the next update!

    08/19/2021 19:49
  • Meredith Hill


    08/19/2021 19:48
  • Angel Clarus-Palmero

    Ah! the brothers.... Can't wait for the next update... This keeps me on my toes every time..👍

    08/19/2021 19:45
  • Katie Factor

    The calvary has arrived!!!!!

    08/19/2021 19:44
  • Glenda Boone

    waiting as patiently as I can for next chapter, feel that Krai will make appearance soon.

    08/19/2021 18:48
  • Raven Dark-fhang

    Thank you Jenny!! This book is my addiction and I can not get enough. Every chapter I’m on the edge of my seat, worried for hero’s and pulling out my favorite swear words for Jisel. In these pandemic times it’s a real joy to suspend my disbelief and enjoy your stories. I can’t wait to see what happens next. I just want Kari to eat her slow, but I don’t want him with a tummy ache from eating something so rotten. 🤣

    08/19/2021 13:37
  • YA 😍

    great chapter! I’m sure Krai will make his appearance by pulling the rocks apart or something of that sort!

    08/19/2021 09:51
  • Elite Knight

    fck..... i really hate jisel!!!!! ughhhh the super evil devil villainess for all the time!!!!!

    08/19/2021 09:28
  • Courtney Jane Burrows

    I'm a little confused that jisels brother had a dragon when it was only the male dragons that could pass on the dragon gene to produce sons that had dragons.... jisels father was of the rain tribe. so her mother would of had to have the dragon gene. I dont recall in the war gods favourite whether the women could pass on the dragon healing abilities let alone the dragon one. would have meant Kierians father the emperor would have thought twice about sending his daughters away to marry if they could also produce offspring that could potentially in time threaten his rule...🧐

    08/19/2021 02:10
  • Soph Hugh

    I am intrigued to learn everyone’s back story. the characters are all so interesting.

    08/18/2021 20:03
  • Jemma

    YES Nana!!! 😉 she will fit right in with the dragon family 😜 … interesting Jisels brothers dragon being a water one. she’s such a b**** the poor thing cares for her 👊🏻 part of me feels sorry for it. I still think back on how the Emperor knew about the water god 🤔 .. we need Krai hopefully he’s gone to get her family! It would be cool if Cassandra could come she can help Ashen then Karien, Darsen and Kassian help the fight maybe even Shareen can join🤞🏻 😬 CeCe Turing up wishful thinking 🤞🏻 Poor Krai can’t sense her emotions but CeCe could it would be amazing if she showed up! I want the brothers or someone down there helping Sabeal and the rest 😰😫 I do think he will survive out of sheer stubbornness also a lot of angry readers if he died 🙊😂😭 I find it funny he said I love you but again didn’t kiss her 🤣 though in that moment I wouldnt of tried either 😂 when he sees her next he has to kiss her 😂 now it’s a guess on which brother for Nana 😋

    08/18/2021 18:46
  • Reader-289700

    need to get chapters out faster it’s frustrating waiting for them

    08/18/2021 18:17
  • Wcha

    should have killed jisel

    08/18/2021 16:40